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Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, AGC Design Acoustics Window Testing Facility Site Visit
published date: 2019/1/8      Hits: 6810

Architectural Acoustics is grateful to have Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, AGC Design and Ramboll Hong Kong Limited to visit our Acoustics Windows Testing Facility at Jiangmen Acoustics Testing Centre. This site visit was held on December 10 (Monday) to understand the operations of the latest Acoustics Windows Test. Apart from that, guests also took part in the briefing of other acoustics test facilities, including the Rain Impact Noise Test, Silencer Test, Sound Absorption/ Insulation Test, ceiling flanking path test, etc. The site visit was successful and well attended by 5 participants.


About Jiangmen Acoustics Testing Centre
The Testing Centre was set up in Jiangmen in 2008 in response to market demand. It covers approximately 4000 square meters. It complies with the latest ISO-140 laboratory standard and is run by an independent accredited party.
For enquiries, please contact:
Polly Ip
Tel. 2367 3232
Email. polly@aa-hk.hk

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Tel:(852)2367 3232
Web: http://www.watr.com.cn

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