
CDM Stravilink
CDM Stravilink WallBatten
Stravilink WallBatten* is a resilient wall batten used to isolate a dry wall construction from an adjacent support.

Main Benefits

  • Cost-effective
  • Quick and easy to install
  • Standard thicknesses are 56 mm and 96 mm (other thicknesses available to order)
  • A resilient strip should be installed to support the base of the wall and to decouple the perimeter of the wall

Design Requirements

  • Required performance level (this will determine the type of Stravilink WallBatten)
  • Height and weight of the supported wall (this will determine the supply of the base isolation strip)
  • Details of any items supported off the walls (e.g. televisions)
  • Supporting wall (for us to recommend which fixings would be best to use)

*Previously known as CDM-WALL-T

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