
CDM Stravifloor
CDM Stravifloor Jackup

Stravifloor Jackup* is a floating floor system with reinforced steel boxes cast into concrete. Once the concrete has cured, the isolated slab is raised off the structure to the required void depth, reducing the risk of acoustic bridging between the floating floor slab and the subfloor. Stravifloor Jackup boxes allow for easy adjustment of the final height as well as replacement and inspection of isolators, should the use of the room or load conditions change in the future.

Special, insulation material can be installed to avoid a standing wave in the air void (which may cause noise breakthrough at high frequencies).

Stravifloor Jackup boxes have an extremely high load capacity and, therefore, allow for larger spans and fewer support points than traditional jack-up systems, to provide a cost-effective solution. Stravifloor Jackup reduces the risk of acoustic bridging between the floating floor slab and the subfloor.

Main Characteristics

  • Available with either spring bearings or natural rubber pads
  • Natural frequency: ≥ 6 Hz (with elastomeric pads) or ≥ 2.5 Hz (with springs)
  • Product standard height: 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm
  • Minimum system height: 110 mm (with elastomeric pads) or 105 mm (with springs)
  • Minimum air gap: 10 mm (with elastomeric pads) or 5 mm (with springs)

*Previously known as CDM-MONT

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